A urinalysis is a test of your urine. A urinalysis is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes.
Why it's done
To review your overall health
To diagnose a medical condition
To monitor a medical condition
only if done by itself
Mission Trail
Created by
Alonso Zamorano
Tel: 855-505-7467

If caller accepts soonest appointment

Walk-in Script Before 11:00
1) Even though we do take walk-in (or same day sick appointments), at this time,
we don’t know if we are going to be accepting any since it´s too early to find out how many
cancellations we are going to have during the day.
2) What I can offer, it´s to schedule you for next (soonest appointment you see)
to reserve a space for you and you can call us back at 11 am to check if we
are going to be able to take any walk-ins.
3) The appointment I´m offering, would be the latest we could see you. How
does that sound?
4) Excellent I would schedule you for (soonest date you find) and please call us
back from 10:30-11 Am and we would be more than happy to take you in if
we get any cancellation.
5) You can call us everyday at the same time to check if we can take you in
before the current appointment if you like.
If caller refuses soonest appointment:
4) If I may, I can suggest to call us back from 10:30-11 AM and we would be
more than happy to take you in, if we get any cancellation.
Walk-in Script After 11:00
Urgent care instructions
If patient is running late 15 minutes past scheduled appointment time, they will have to re schedule for a later day.

If you feel that you cannot wait to be seen, we can schedule the appointment and go to urgent care to be stabilized.
Once you get seen at urgent care, they will give you the instruction to get an
appointment with your primary care doctor to follow up, but you won´t have to, since
I can schedule that appointment for you right now.
1) We do take walk-ins, but we ask our patients to call at 11 AM since that is the
time we know, how many walk-in appointments we are going to be able to
take in according to the amount of cancellations we get during the day.
2) What I can do for you, is offer the soonest appointment we currently have
available and kindly ask you to call us everyday at 11 AM to check on our
availability for walk-ins if you feel that you need to be seen before the date we
can offer at the moment.
3) The appointment I´m talking about would be the latest we would see you and
you´d have the possibility to be seen before that date if you call us at 11 am
and our availability allows us to take you in as a walk in that day.