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RX Protocol

Now let´s take a look to some of the possible

scenarios  that you may face during a RX type call and how to resolve them


Request Type

Antibiotic, controlled, discontinued or changed med


Pt needs an appointment, period.
If PT is asking for a controlled medication make sure to schedule appt in his preferred clinic to best be able to help them.
Controlled RX verification
Pharmacy calls to verify if RX was actually given by our clinics.
Check Pts chart, RX document (medication folder), notes, etc.
Pharmacy  Change
Get new pharmacy information (address, name, number) and change it in patient's chart (Open chart -> Edit patient). Send MST so nurses can resend Rx
If you need help spark your Supervisor.
Pt at the pharmacy or lab at the moment
If PT is at the facility, and needs assistance with any RX or order error, contact your Supervisor to help you contact manager  .
RX not Sent
If pharmacy or PT is calling stating that Rx was not received, check RX tab and check RX status. If RX was actually prescribed up to 5 days) Ask your Supervisor to resend RX. Only if it was prescribed recently (same day or a week ago)
Adverse reactions/side effects
Book an appointment as soon as possible, but if reaction is too severe refer to ER
Dosage or quantity change
Prior Auth
Other non-urgent request
Send an MST
Other urgent request
Ask permission to call FD or manager
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