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Patients call on a daily basis to request or inquire about RX refill or status.
This is one of the most common calls that we receive in Rios number line.
Therefore, it is very important that you become familiar with RX TAB, DOCUMENT TAB and RX protocols to better assist patients that are calling regarding this matter.
As soon as you realize that call is RX related, you should open patient´s chart and click on RX TAB to
be able to check all the information that you
must take into consideration before call resolution.
Dates and status would play an important part on decision making.

1.Let´s get started!

The first thing that you should pay attention to would be the date that patient was seen at the clinic last time.
This information would be at plain sight on patient´s chart:

(Click on the medication next to it).


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Patients with chronic conditions (Asthma, Cholesterol, Blood pressure and Diabetes) must be seen
every three months.
For more information please click here.
And patients who are under any controlled medication treatment must come to the clinic for a physical prescription.
To see a list of controlled medication click here.


This tab has the list of active, discontinued and/or changed medications.
Click on me

3. Getting to know the sections

Each medication on Active Rx tab will have their perspective information with different sections, let´s take a look!
Click on me

4. Discontinued/ Changed      Medication Tab

Here you will find a list of medications the patient has had prescribed at any point in time and the date in which they were changed and/or discontinued.
If patient called in requesting for a medication and you can´t see it on the active RX list, make sure to check this section as well, it might be there.
Click on me


5. Document Tab ♥        Medication Folder

The most common reason of why an agent needs to go and search on Medication folder is due to a call regarding a controlled medication.
RX for controlled substances get scanned
and saved in this folder for future references and verifications with pharmacies.
Click on me
Prior authorizations also get saved in medication folder so we can check the status and notes on prior auth request for medications to be able to assist callers inquiring about it.
You don´t know what a Prior Authorization means?
No problem click here for more info. 

In Conclusion

For every RX refill call you get, you would have to pay close attention to RX TAB and DOCUMENT TAB to know exactly which protocol to follow. Click here to see details.
For most cases, exploring these two tabs would be enough to give the call a resolution.
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