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Polite Phrases

When you're about to help

Ice Break

-How are you doing today?

-How are you?

-How´s your day going so far?

-I´m sorry to hear that

-My pleasure

-I´ll be happy to assist you with that

-I´ll be glad to help you out with that

-No problem, let me go ahead and look        into your medical file


How to apologize if the patient is upset:

-I´m sorry to hear that, let me help you with that.


-I understand, allow me to assist you with that.


-I know how frustrating this can be, so i'm going to do my best to help you and resolve the situation"

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Before you´re placing the call on hold:

-Would you mind if a place you in a brief hold?

-Could I verify this by placing you on hold?

-If its okay, allow me to to place you on hold for a moment.

Remember to refresh the call every 2-3 minutes

When you’re back from hold:

-Thank you so much for your patience.

-Thank you for being with me on line….

-Thank you for holding, I appreciate your patience

When you're saying goodbye:

-If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to give us a call back.


-In case you need further assistance you can always reach us back.


-Please let us know if you need anything else.


-If you need anything else, please feel free to contact us again.

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